Elisabeth Stern

Board Member - KlimaSeniorinnen Switzerland

Elisabeth Stern has a PhD in cultural anthropology  and – after becoming acutely aware of the climate crisis during an extended stay in Zimbabwe – has been active in the environmental movement for 35 years. She lived in California for five years, where she was a member of the peace and environment movement. Back in Switzerland, she became involved in green start-up companies. She is  a retired Senior Lecturer from the University of Zurich and the University of St. Gall having taught a range of topics on Sustainable Development as well as Intercultural Competence.

For several years now, Elisabeth Stern has been on the Board of KlimaSeniorinnen Switzerland, an association founded in 2016 that took the Swiss Government to court for its inadequate climate policy.  They won their case at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg this April 9, 2024, a case that is already called “historic”. She lives near Zurich.