Colin Butfield
Co-Founder and Director - Open Planet Studios
Colin is the Co-Founder and Director of the production company Open Planet Studios. He has worked on numerous documentaries and short films including the BBC series Earthshot, Netflix features A Life on Our Planet and Breaking Boundaries and the National Geographic feature documentary David Attenborough: Ocean.
He also founded the non-profit initiative which provides free to use, open source footage to allow anyone, anywhere to tell the stories of our changing planet to their audience, in their language from their perspective.
Colin has written and produced many high profile events (often with Sir David Attenborough). These includes Sir David’s speech at the opening of COP26, events at Davos 2019 and 2020, World Bank and IMF spring meetings, COP26 Private Finance Agenda, G8 and UN Security Council.
He is the co-author of the bestselling book Earthshot: How to Save Our Planet along with his business partner Jonnie Hughes and HRH Prince William.
His forthcoming book Ocean is co-written with David Attenborough and released in May 2025.