August Benz
Head of International & Transformation, Deputy CEO - Swiss Bankers Association
Since July 2017, August Benz has been Head of Private Banking and Asset Management at the SBA and, since December 2017, he is Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the office. He is responsible for all matters relating to Private Banking, Asset Management, Europe, digitalisation and sustainable finance. Since April 2022, he is President of the Swiss Financial Sector Cyber Security Centre (FS-CSC). He has also been on the Board of the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) since September 2020.
Dr. Benz started his time at UBS in 1999 and held various management positions. He was head of UBS Asset Management’s global strategy department. He was responsible for leading and restructuring Europe’s largest fund platform and for leading the B2B distribution in Switzerland. He built up UBS Asset Management’s global distribution management function and was Head Client Servicing, with global responsibility for establishing and implementing client servicing standards.
Dr. Benz has a proven track record in the finance industry and is well acquainted with the various aspects of financial market regulation. He has a PhD in political science from St. Gallen University and a Master of Science from Edinburgh University.