
Rethinking Finance for a Post-Growth Economy

Thursday, October 5, 2023 From 10:00 to 11:00 (CET) Centre International de Conférences Genève - Room E

An engaging session exploring the concept of post-growth economics and its implications for the finance sector. Join industry experts and creative minds to ask the following questions: What are the opportunities in the post-growth economy? What does it mean for finance? How can we build sustainable business models for a post-growth economy?


Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Co-President - The Club of Rome

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is Co-President of The Club of Rome and divides her time between leading The Club of Rome, advising, lecturing, and facilitating conversations. Mrs. Dixon-Declève currently Chairs the European Commission, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR) and sits on the European Commission's Mission on Climate Change & Adaptation. She also sits on several Non-Executives & Advisory Boards including EDP, BMW, UCB Climate KIC, Leonardo Centre, Imperial College London and is a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), an Ambassador for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and the Well Being Alliance (WeAll) and a Fellow of the World Academy of Science & Art. Mrs. Dixon-Declève is a TED global speaker and recently published “Quel Monde Pour Demain” lucpire editions and Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity. She was recognised most recently by Reuters as one of 25 global female trailblazers and by GreenBiz as one of the 30 most influential women across the globe driving change in the low carbon economy and promoting green business.

Peter Haberstich

Solutions Campaigner on Climate Change & Sustainable Finance - Greenpeace Switzerland

Peter Haberstich heads the campaign for sustainable finance at Greenpeace Switzerland. Previously, he has designed campaigns for various civil society organisations in the fields of human rights or development cooperation. He has a background in business communication, innovation management and sustainable development.

Santu Boethius

Co-founder - Impact Hub Geneva

Santu Alexandra Boethius is the co-founder of Impact Hub Geneva and Impact Hub Lausanne, part of the global Impact Hub network of 25,000 impact entrepreneurs and innovators in over 100 cities around the world. She co-initiated the Accelerate2030 program in 2016 with her team and partners, scaling impacts in over 30 developing countries. She also co-initiated the Circular Economy Transition program, with a focus on Switzerland. She holds an MSc in political science from the London School of Economics and the University of St.Andrews.

Fiona Frick

Founder - Circe Invest

Fiona Frick is a seasoned Investment Specialist with over three decades of hands-on experience in the Asset Management Industry as a practitioner, board member and CEO. Formerly a CEO and investment manager at Unigestion, she founded Circe Invest in 2023. Her current focus is on helping asset owners and managers integrate sustainability and differentiation into their investment strategies. Fiona provides practical guidance on building strategies and allocating capital with a mindful approach to return, risk, and sustainability. Her expertise has led her to serve on the boards of Swiss Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Finance Geneva.

Michael Malquarti

Chief Risk Officer - Quaero Capital

Michaël Malquarti is the Chief Risk Officer of Quaero Capital SA, a Geneva-based independent asset management company. He has a nearly 20-year career in institutional asset management, both in risk management and portfolio management. Aside from his professional activity, he has promoted monetary and banking reform and published a book on the subject. He is active politically and is a candidate in the forthcoming Swiss federal elections. Michaël holds a Masters in mathematical physics and a PhD in cosmology.

Elena Hofferberth

Researcher - University of Lausanne

Elena Hofferberth is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lausanne. Her research focuses on the macro-financial and political economy conditions for a post-growth economy. She holds a PhD in economic from the University of Leeds.

Rico Travella

Member of the Executive Board - Alternative Bank Switzerland

Dr. Rico Travella has a MBA degree and a PhD at University of St. Gall (HSG). He works at the Alternative Bank Switzerland as Member of the Executive Board of directors. He is accountable for "services" (e.g. sustainability, marketing and communications, IT, finance, projects). Rico has been working for more than two decades as entrepreneur in an agency for marketing, communications and fundraising in the non-profit sector.

Guillaume Bonnel

Chief Executive Officer - SDG Impact Finance Initiative

Guillaume has dedicated his professional life to sustainable and impact investing. Prior to joining the SDG Impact Finance Initiative, he led the Sustainable and Impact Solutions team at Credit Suisse, designed and managed impact investment funds at Lombard Odier, and audited micro finance institutions for an asset manager dedicated to financial inclusion. Guillaume began his career completing missions in developing countries, before establishing and managing a range of sustainable and impact products at BNP Paribas Wealth Management. He later joined Médecins Sans Frontières for a humanitarian mission, to lead the finance and HR department, and ran different health-related projects. 

Sara Bourhime

Deputy Head of Sustainable & Responsible Investment - Mirabaud & Cie SA

Sara Bourhime is a sustainable finance expert. Part of Mirabaud Asset Management's SRI team since 2019, she has contributed to strengthening core SRI capabilities within different asset classes. Before joining Mirabaud, Sara dived into financial and economic development as a research follow, and worked as consultant focusing on sustainability and financial inclusion. Sara holds two Master degrees in Corporate Finance (ISCAE - Morocco) and in Economics of Sustainable Development (Paris 1 - Sorbonne University), and is currently finalizing her PhD thesis in financial engineering.

Risto Väyrynen

Founder - The Impact Office

Risto Väyrynen founded The Impact Office, a group of Single Family Office principals channeling private capital towards the SDGs. A seasoned entrepreneur, he's initiated multiple start-ups, held prominent C-suite and board roles, and served as a Managing Partner at a Geneva-based investment management company. Formerly leading the World Economic Forum's Family Business Community he's now an Ambassador for the Family Business Network, championing Family Business Sustainability. An alumnus of the EDHEC Business School, Väyrynen holds an MBA focused on Family Business.

Zina Sanyoura

Innovative Finance Advisor - ICRC

Zina Sanyoura is an Innovative Finance Advisor at the ICRC leading the development of new funding models for the Health and Physical Rehabilitation thematic. Zina has more than 20 years of experience in development finance, impact investing, private equity, and project management.

André Hoffmann

Vice chair - Roche

André Hoffmann is a businessman, environmentalist  and a passionate advocate for business as a force for good. André is Vice Chairman of Roche Holding AG, the family business. He also sits on the Board of SystemIQ, the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum, and the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. André has a distinguished career in nature conservation and sustainability. He is the President of Fondation Tour du Valat and board member of Capitals Coalition. He is also Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Hoffmann Global Institute in Business and Society at INSEAD.