
Making Oceans Count

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 From 15:30 to 16:30 (CET) Centre International de Conférences Genève - Room E
Fintech Innovative Finance Nature

Financial institutions have a key role to play in ensuring the sustainability of marine environments. GDFA, leading a consortium partnering with the financial sector, completed a 2-year initiative to accelerate the adoption of metrics for ocean-related impacts and financial decision making. We present and workshop the next phase of collaboration.


François Gardin

Senior Advisor - GDFA - Green Digital Finance Alliance

François Gardin is currently acting as Senior Advisor to the Green Digital Finance Alliance, leading investors and initiatives in the field of environmental finance. Prior he worked for over fifteen years in the investment management industry heading product innovation, sustainability and research roles.His expertise and research focus covers the integration of nature-related risks, data and environmental sustainability into investments and the financing of the blue economy. He is also a Doctoral researcher at VUB/ Brussels School of Governance’s centre for Environment, Economy and Energy, a Certified European Financial analyst and ESG analyst.

Katherine Foster

Executive Director - GDFA Green Digital Finance Alliance

Katherine Foster is the Executive Director of the Green Digital Finance Alliance (GDFA) and serves on several international boards and committees including the EU EIT-Food, the UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, and the European Securities Market Authority. A former Canadian diplomat specializing in climate and human security, Katherine has been spearheading impact innovation for 30 years in leadership roles with the EU Climate-KIC and GDFA including as Sherpa to the United Nation’s Secretary General’s Task Force on Digital Financing, as an advisor to the World Bank and to several award-winning technology for impact start-ups.

Martin Styrmoe Moen

CFO - HUB Ocean & REV Ocean

Martin Styrmoe Moen is the CFO in HUB Ocean, an independent and non-profit foundation established to unlock the power of ocean data. He is also the CFO in REV Ocean, a philanthropy effort that is currently building the world’s largest research and expedition vessel, aiming to improve understanding and create sustainable solutions for the ocean. Prior to joining REV Ocean, Mr. Styrmoe Moen worked at Aker Biomarine overseeing financial matters in relation to vessel operations, new build program and other investment and accounting decisions. He has also worked as a consultant and auditor for 6 years in PricewaterhouseCoopers, primarily serving clients in the finance, shipping and offshore sector. Martin Styrmoe Moen holds two master’s degrees in Finance and Economics from the Norwegian Business School and is a certified public accountant.

Alexey Pavlov

Water & Marine Lead, ESG EMEA Hub - KPMG

Alexey Pavlov is a Water and Marine Lead at KPMG across the EMEA region and part of the ESG Advisory and Assurance team at KPMG Norway. He has experience from several research institutions and a think-tank, Arctic Frontiers, gathering stakeholders around sustainable and responsible development in the Arctic region. At KPMG, Mr. Pavlov leads on ocean and water subjects, specifically advising ocean-based industries, such as aquaculture, shipping, and offshore energy, on climate and nature-related risks, decarbonization, and sustainability reporting. Alexey Pavlov holds a PhD in oceanography and has co-authored 30 peer-reviewed publications documenting changes in Polar regions' marine environment and coastal ecosystems.

Minna Epps

Head, IUCN Ocean, Centre for Conservation Action - IUCN

Minna Epps is the Director of IUCN Ocean team overseeing the operations and development of the programme by seeking new strategic partnerships. She is very engaged in the Global Ocean Agenda participating in various management groups, boards and high-level networks. Minna has over 20 years of experience in international environmental work primarily in the marine field, with everything from fieldwork in Madagascar to policy work in Geneva.She brings experience from the Marine Stewardship Council, European Commission, UNEP, WTO, and conservation NGOs. Minna is a marine biologist with studies from Imperial College, Rhode Island School of Oceanography and UC Berkeley.

Jessica Smith

Nature Lead at UNEP FI - UNEP FI

Jessica Smith has led the Nature programme at the UNEP Finance Initiative since 2020. For the previous 7 years she directed a consultancy firm undertaking environmental finance project development and evaluation, and leading secretariats for the Equator Principles Association and the Cross-Sector Biodiversity Initiative (applying IFC performance standard 6 on biodiversity in oil & gas, mining, and finance). She has worked extensively to mobilise and evaluate environmental finance, globally and across Africa. Her key areas of interest are mobilising private and blended finance for ecosystems (SDGs 14 and 15) and managing biodiversity-related risks in banking and investment.

Sarah Nelson

Associate Director and Global Lead – Nature and Biodiversity - KPMG

Sarah Nelson is responsible for helping to lead and shape Natural Capital and Biodiversity work in KPMG International’s Global Decarbonisation and Nature Advisory Hub. Sarah has over twenty years of international experience in developing and implementing environmental, social, and economic policies at the global, regional, and national levels. She has worked in five UK Government Departments, as a Seconded National Expert to the Irish Presidency of the EU, for the United Nations Environment Programme, and with environmental NGOs.

Frédéric Degret


Founder and chief executive of NOAH ReGen Belgium