Panel Livestream

Human Capital: a Key Driver of Productivity and Sustainable Growth

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 From 11:30 to 12:30 (CET) Centre International de Conférences Genève - Room B

For a long time, ESG analyses have focused on the environmental pillar. But more recently, certain intangible aspects, for example within the Social pillar, have been identified as sources of long-term value creation for companies. 

Human Capital is one of them.

Experts consider that there is a strong correlation between human capital management and financial performance. Human capital is a key driver of productivity and sustainable growth.

In this context, two types of company can play a key role:

  • Companies who have, in our opinion, state-of-art Human Resources practices
  • Companies whose business models have a strong impact on Human Capital development

During this workshop the experts will present their vision of Human Capital and how it is a determining asset for companies.

The workshop will be followed by a keynote with Emmanuelle Duez, Founder of the WoMen’Up association and The Boson Project consulting firm.


Jean-Philippe Desmartin

Head of the Responsible Investment team - Edmond de Rothschild

Jean-Philippe Desmartin took up his position as head of our responsible investment team in 2016. He is a graduate of the Paris University II (business law and management) as well as the IEP in Paris (finance and economics). He started his career in 1993 in the financial engineering department at Crédit du Nord. From 1997 to 1999, he was a project manager at the Alpha group before moving to the extra-financial agency ARESE as head of development. In 2003, Mr. Desmartin was a director at Innovest and then in 2004 founded his own consultancy business, Desmartin Conseil. From 2005 to 2016, he was head of ESG (environment, social and governance) research at Oddo Securities. Jean-Philippe Desmartin is a member of several working groups and international committees seeking to further ESG issues (the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies - EFFAS, the International Corporate Governance Network - ICGN, Principles for Responsible Investment - PRI, world intellectual capital initiative - WICI). Mr. Desmartin has co-written three books on responsible investments, l’Investissement Socialement Responsable (2005), ISR et Finance Responsable (2014) and the Routledge Handbook of Responsible Investment (2015). His practice was the object of a business case conducted by the Harvard Business School (HBS) in 2011. In 2016, his work was recognised as innovative by an international jury.

Emmanuelle Duez

Serial Entrepreneur - Founder of WoMen’Up and Creator of Startup Company The Boson Project

Emmanuelle Duez is a serial entrepreneur, the founder and president of WoMen’Up and creator of startup company The Boson Project, a consulting firm which harnesses the power of the young. The Boson Project was selected as one of the six most promising companies of 2014 by August and Debouzy’s Start You Up programme and was cited as being among the top 100 startups to invest in by Challenges magazine. Emmanuelle Duez previously worked in the fields of strategy (SFR), social media marketing (Spring), in politics (Ministry of Finance) and at a management consultancy (Deloitte). Emmanuelle Duez is also an Ensign in the Citizens Reserve of the Navy, a body of 300 lobbyists charged with defending the interests of the sea and the Navy. Ms. Duez graduated from the Faculty of Law, Political Sciences in Paris and the ESSEC business school, as well as Bocconi University. She speaks on subjects ranging from entrepreneurism, the youth of today and achieving gender balance in organisations.

Frédéric Lelièvre moderator,

Moderator - CEO and Editor-in-Chief - L'Agefi

Frédéric Lelièvre is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the business and financial outlet L'Agefi since May 1, 2020. Previously, he served as deputy editor-in-chief of "CNN Money Switzerland". A former Head of Le Temps business section, Frédéric has also been a foreign correspondent in Hong Kong.