Laurent Ramsey

Vice-President - Fondation Genève Place Financière

Laurent Ramsey is a Managing Partner of Pictet Group. He is also the Vice-President of the Geneva Financial Center (FGPF) and on the Board of the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS).

Mr. Ramsey has more than 20 years’ experience in the asset management industry, including 16 in the areas of pensions and distribution. Two years after joining the Pictet’s Geneva Office as an Equity Analyst, he was sent to Asia where he worked as a Senior Investment Manager in Hong Kong and Singapore. He was then put in charge of institutional business development for the region and appointed Executive Director of Pictet Asia. Mr. Ramsey came back to Geneva in 2000 as Head of Marketing & Sales of Pictet Funds. He became CEO of the division in 2004. In 2010, following the merger of Pictet Funds and Pictet Asset Management into one business line, he was appointed Global Head of Distribution of Pictet Asset Management.

Mr. Ramsey holds a Bachelors and Masters in International Management from HEC Lausanne School of Business and Economics as well as a Federal Diploma for Financial Analyst and Portfolio Manager.

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