Elisa Benito

Sustainability Analyst - Coninco

Elisa Benito holds a Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Environmental Sciences from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 2011, and a Master’s degree (MSc) in Sustainable Finance from the Business School Lausanne in 2016. Elisa worked for 2 years (2011-2013) for an airline in the corporate responsibility and environment department, in particular for carbon emissions trading in the European market (ETS). Between 2013 and 2015, she worked in the field of energy efficiency, especially on energy performance contracting (EPC) and project financing at the Spanish Association of Energy Service Companies (ANESE). She has passed the CFA Level 1 exam, and is currently preparing for Level 2. She joined CONINCO in February 2017 as a Sustainable Financial Analyst.