
2023 Sustainable Finance Hack

Friday, October 6, 2023 – Saturday, October 7, 2023
17:00 – 19:00
Uni Mail
Overview of the project

Since 2019, Open Geneva organizes an annual hackathon on Sustainable Finance, with the support of Geneva top finance institutions (Lombard Odier, JP Morgan, CA Indosuez, BNP Paribas,…) and the University of Geneva. This 24h hackathon aims at finding sustainable solutions to concrete problems in the fields of banking and finance. Multidisciplinary teams come together to develop solutions to challenges owned by finance institutions, startups, associations, public institutions and citizens.  

What is a hackathon?

Hackathons are learning, co-creation and collective intelligence moments, taking place over 24 or 48 hours non-stop. Teams of participants from different backgrounds meet to tackle challenges on a given theme. The time constraint and the diversity of the team members allow innovative solutions to emerge. At the end of the event, each team presents the results of its work.

Experience SFH’s collaborative atmosphere tackling sustainable finance challenges. Watch the previous edition’s aftermovie to dive in.

Why should students participate?

For students this is a unique opportunity to put into practice competences and knowledge acquired during their studies. By collaborating in teams with finance and banking experts, as well as professionals from different backgrounds, they can expand their network and get a chance to get hired. Students also value being able to join a concrete project that can make an impact on society. Hackathons are recognized as learning experiences by the United Nations. Participants will receive certificates signed by Open Geneva and UNITAR.

Event organized by